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Four Padas of Ahslesha Nakshatra

Ashlesha Nakshatra is the ninth nakshatra in Vedic astrology and falls entirely within the zodiac sign of Cancer (Karka Rashi), spanning from 16°40' to 30°00' Cancer. Symbolized by a coiled serpent, Ashlesha carries deep mystical and transformational qualities. It represents intensity, secrecy, power, and wisdom. Governed by Nagas (Serpents), this nakshatra has a strong association with hidden knowledge and intuitive abilities.

Ashlesha Nakshatra and Its Four Padas

Each nakshatra is divided into four padas (quarters), each imparting unique characteristics. Below is a detailed analysis of Ashlesha Nakshatra’s four padas:

1st Pada of Ashlesha Nakshatra (16°40' - 20°00' Cancer)

  • This pada is known for its sharp intellect and strategic mindset.

  • Individuals born in this pada are highly analytical, calculating, and excellent problem solvers.

  • They have a strong sense of ambition and persistence to achieve their goals.

  • These individuals may have a reserved or secretive nature, keeping their true intentions hidden.

  • They have an intense focus and the ability to see through deception.

2nd Pada of Ashlesha Nakshatra (20°00' - 23°20' Cancer)

  • This pada emphasizes emotional depth and intuition.

  • People born in this pada are deeply sensitive and highly perceptive of the emotions of others.

  • They have a strong connection to their subconscious mind, often experiencing vivid dreams or psychic insights.

  • This pada also brings a persuasive and magnetic personality, allowing them to influence others easily.

  • These individuals may experience internal struggles between logic and emotions.

3rd Pada of Ashlesha Nakshatra (23°20' - 26°40' Cancer)

  • This pada enhances charisma, communication, and adaptability.

  • Individuals born here are charming, diplomatic, and skilled at negotiations.

  • They have a knack for persuasion and can use their words effectively to achieve their desires.

  • There is a strong inclination towards business, commerce, and networking.

  • These individuals thrive in competitive environments, using their intellect and strategic thinking to gain an advantage.

4th Pada of Ashlesha Nakshatra (26°40' - 30°00' Cancer)

  • This pada intensifies passion, transformation, and hidden strength.

  • People born in this pada experience strong emotions and deep internal transformations throughout life.

  • They have a powerful presence and the ability to command authority.

  • This pada brings a natural ability to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger.

  • These individuals may have a mysterious aura and a profound sense of purpose.


Ashlesha Nakshatra is one of the most enigmatic and intense nakshatras in Vedic astrology. Its four padas bring out different aspects of its nature, from intellectual sharpness and emotional depth to charisma and transformation. Those born under this nakshatra often possess keen insight, resilience, and a powerful presence, making them influential figures in various walks of life. However, they must channel their strengths wisely to achieve true success and fulfillment.

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